STRONGER body | mind | soul TOGETHER

We will never take for granted the time you invest in yourself. A focused 30-45 minute workout 3-5 times per week is an efficient way to improve health, increase energy, release stress, build mental and physical stamina & gain lasting results and confidence. We intend to be more than just a place you come to workout; we’re a place you invest time & energy and we intend to encourage and support you every step of the way. Our class sizes are small-so we know you, and you know each other. We care when you are here and we miss you when you are not-your presence is felt and noticed. The community we are building is something special-the positive energy you share with each other (and with us) truly makes a difference. You never know who needs that light you share-this just might be the best part of their day (or yours;). Together we build strength, endurance, health, wellness, grit and determination because we truly are STRONGER TOGETHER.  Thank you for being a part of our MDRNfitness Family!

Our Founder

Hi, my name is Amber Dunlap, and I am the owner of MDRNfitness Lagree Studio. I am a native of  Eastern Washington and an EWU alum—“GO EAGLES!!”. I have had the opportunity to live outside of Washington for a couple of long stretches. I am thankful for this time outside of Washington, because it allowed me to make some amazing friends and also to find and fall in love with the Lagree Method. Bringing Lagree back to Spokane is a gift for myself as well as all of you. I lived without Lagree for 3 years and am so happy to have it back in my life!! SO-I have some MEGA goals of my own. At MDRNfitness we will set and reach our goals together. 

A few fun facts about me

  • I have been a Registered Nurse for 20 years!! About 17 of those have been spent in orthopedic nursing in various settings. I have done everything from surgical post-op care to clinic nursing to working in the operating room. 
  • I have FIVE siblings!! I’ll let you guess where I fall in the lineup:)
  • My current favorite mega move is SUPER LUNGE!! Followed closely by BEAR or SPOON…

Meet The Team​

We are a diverse group of individuals with our own unique style. Come try each of us out, or find us in a class next to you as we learn from and support each other!

Jason Elliott

Certified Instructor

Favorite Mega Move: Single Leg Dead Lift

Fun Fact: I lived and taught in Asia for a total of 10 years before returning to the US. I brought back my (now) wife and rescued pup as well as some incredible memories.


Ashlyn Fulkerson

Certified Instructor

Favorite Mega Move: Plank to Pike (sometimes twisted)

Fun Fact: My favorite candy is gummy nerd clusters-if you haven’t tried them you need to ASAP


Jen Fisher

Certified Instructor

Favorite Mega Move: Twister

Fun Fact: I love Manatees and hope to swim with them someday! I also eat blueberries every day.


Davida Condron

Certified Instructor

Favorite Mega Move: Twisted Bear to Plank to Pike 

Fun Fact: I have lived and worked within an 8 mile radius of the hospital I was born in. Spokane is my home and I love it!


Our Mission

MDRNfitness is committed to making strength and cardio training  accessible without intimidation to people of all ages, genders, sizes and fitness levels. We know that the health of our bodies and our minds are intricately connected and the health of one has an impact on the other. Building strong bodies, minds and souls has the power to change our community. We are dedicated to providing a safe space for people to connect, learn, grow and feel supported as we become stronger together.

Core Values:

Connection | Kindness | Quality | Growth | Fun

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